Mini Reviews – L’Artisan Parfumeur, Mon Numéro 10, D Squared2, Potion

This winter has seen a mixed bag of weather in my neck of the woods. Conditions have run the gamut from warm sunny mid-20 degree Celsius days (usually the norm) to unseasonably cool and rainy weather that has sometimes lasted for days. To combat the cooler weather, I've turned to a couple of old spicy … Continue reading Mini Reviews – L’Artisan Parfumeur, Mon Numéro 10, D Squared2, Potion

Mini Reviews – Late 90’s Chanel & Boucheron

Allure Homme - Decent but not classic Chanel. Chanel - Allure Homme - Workman-like Chanel 7/10 Jacques Polge composed the original Allure Homme in 1999. Hard to believe it is 23 years old. I don't notice it around too often now, but it still retains a contemporary feel. It's undoubtedly better than most things you … Continue reading Mini Reviews – Late 90’s Chanel & Boucheron