Welcome to Leave No Cologne Unturned – a fragrance blog covering all things in the world of scent by fragrance enthusiast, Daniel Paterson.
On this blog you’ll find first impressions of the latest fragrances and reviews of classic fragrances from days gone by. Everyone is welcome on this blog from newbies to the veterans of the game. To that end you’ll find some useful perfume reviews, recommendations / buying strategies for those just starting out to commentary on the unconventional world of niche perfumery. I’m looking forward to some interesting discussions and exchanging of views on this passion that we share.
Where do I fit into all of this? I’ve been interested in fragrances all my life but really became engrossed in sampling and collecting over 10 years ago. In that time, I’ve bought many bottles and sampled an obscenely high amount of fragrances (in the 1000’s) from entry level designers to expensive niche. It wasn’t easy starting out as I live in Queensland, Australia which made access to some fragrances especially from niche houses difficult. Therefore, as most of us did, I started with designer perfumes for the first few years before branching out to niche and indie perfumes. After all this time I’m still interested in designer fragrances but appreciate the artistry that goes into composing a niche fragrance.
So, join me as we search for the perfect scent.
Drop me a line at: dpaterson@leavenocologneunturned.com