Purple Haze – Jacaranda Season in Brisbane

Brisbane turns purple every year in spring. Usually, around mid to late October, the Jacaranda trees bloom in many locations in the city. Last weekend I took my camera out and searched the University of Queensland (UQ) for the blooms. UQ is a hotspot for the trees and generally signals the start of the exam period. So, if you’re a student and have yet to start studying by the time everything turns purple, you may require some divine intervention for success. Legend has it that if a Jacaranda bloom falls on your head before your exam, you will fail. Below are some of my photos.

No idea whose bike this was in the foreground, but perhaps it adds some rustic appeal to my photo.
The pathway turns purple too.
This Jacaranda is at the entrance to the Mt Coot-tha Gardens.

Which fragrance did I wear on my trek? Something apt, and one that always makes me think of the colour purple, Rasei Fort’s Kolonya. The scent is Rasei’s homage to his grandfather, and a cursory glance at the name on the splash bottle that comes beautifully presented in a rosewood box may lull one into thinking this is just another citrusy cologne. Indeed, it contains a plethora of fresh herbal, citrusy notes at the top. But the brilliant combination of plum, waxy orris, and tobacco notes in the heart and base conjure up purple images in my mind.

Kolonya twists the cologne-style scent with an injection of orris, tobacco, and plum.

Do you own any scents that you associate with a specific colour? Which “colour” scents do you gravitate towards? For me, it’s probably orange and yellow ( fresh citrusy) scents that work for the warm weather where I live.

Note: All images are my own.

6 thoughts on “Purple Haze – Jacaranda Season in Brisbane

  1. I missed seeing your beautiful photos and the wonderful landscape of Brisbane! Awesome colors! I also associate plums with color purple! Beautiful post!

  2. Beautiful trees!
    I think because of the strong visual associations from using CK Euphoria for years, that is the type of fragrance that I associate with the color purple. I suppose I gravitate toward warmer, dark “orange” colored perfumes, but it really depends on the smell.

    1. Sure are! And yes that CK is very purple. I distinctly recall the commercial/ad campaign with the model in the purple dress.

  3. Wasn’t aware that Brisbane gets the jacaranda effect every year, as we also do in Johannesburg, dear Daniel. Gorgeous pics. And Kolonya sounds like the perfect choice for this annual display.

    1. Thanks, Rich. Ah, that’s interesting, I wasn’t aware that Johannesburg had it too. I do know that they’re native to South America and therefore were brought to both our countries. They sure do make for a stunning display each spring though.

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