Mini Review – Marc-Antoine Barrois – Ganymede

Marc-Antoine Barrois – Ganymede – A familiar scent but not from the perfume world, 5/10.

Yesterday I visited the dentist for my six-monthly checkup. Like most folks, it’s not something I look forward to with much glee. However, I must admit the staff at my dental practice are always friendly and a pleasure to deal with. My scent of choice was Beau de Jour, one of my favourite modern fougeres. I always feel well put together when I wear it. In retrospect, though, I should have worn the much-hyped Marc-Antoine Barrois scent, Ganymede. Perhaps, it would have been the more appropriate choice.

Why on earth would I say that? Why should I have chosen Ganymede? Jupiter’s largest moon seems to have nothing to do with dentists. But, as soon as I stepped into the dentist’s office, I immediately thought of Quentin Bisch’s composition. There’s just something about this fresh mineralic leather that makes me think of dental surgeries. The suede leather reminds me of the chairs in the waiting room and the surgery itself. There’s a pure, clean feel to Ganymede that borders on medicinal. Violet leaf gives Ganymede a pristine ozonic, metallic quality – as sterile as the dentist’s surgical instruments.

Kudos to the brand and Quentin Bisch for producing something from left field with Ganymede. It isn’t otherworldly, though. For mine, its roots remain firmly planted on planet Earth. I haven’t seen any other comparisons between this scent and the dentist. Most reviews are glowing. But, the association I have with it I simply cannot shake. I would never consider buying a full bottle of the stuff because I don’t want to reminisce about root canals and dental drills. Too many negative connotations.

Ganymede reaches for the stars but doesn’t quite make it. Several samples later, it still isn’t for me. Image my own.

My checkup lasted 30 minutes, but Ganymede has strong longevity, pushing out for 10-plus hours. Ganymede is different, unique, and intriguing. Can I see why people like it? Sure. Yet, for me, at least, it simply isn’t something I’d want to wear.

What are your thoughts on Ganymede?

Bottle image courtesy of Fragrantica.

11 thoughts on “Mini Review – Marc-Antoine Barrois – Ganymede

  1. Yikes—I wouldn’t go near anything that evokes the dentist’s. I remember being very taken in by Ganymede for the first few minutes, but the strange, plastic quality that emerges made it a no for me. When I visited the niche perfumery in Philadelphia, they said it was one of their best sellers.

    1. Yes, there is something a little off about it. I’m a touch surprised that it is such a best seller.

  2. Totally agreed, Ganymede’s mineral medicinal vibes are to overwhelming to me as well! I am curious to smell their latest release, as I didn’t like the previous ones.

    1. Thanks for reading and commenting, Tetê. I’m interested to try it as well, as it seems to have a few notes I enjoy. Will have to see what we make of it.

  3. Interesting fragrance! How are you doing, Daniel ? Any chance to recover your Instagram account? I miss your posts !

    1. Hi Loredana. I’m doing well thanks. I hope your mum and you are well? Doesn’t seem to be any chance to recover my Instagram. I guess I would have to start again for the third time, if I was to come back.

      1. Mum is ok. I’ve been through a pretty rough 2022 so far with a surgery and covid in my cv😁😄 I’d love to see you again on insta. Maybe 3rd time is lucky! I’d be happy to see your posts again and I’m sure many people feel the same way.

  4. Mum is ok. I’ve been through a pretty rough 2022 so far with a surgery and covid in my cv😁😄 I’d love to see you again on insta. Maybe 3rd time is lucky! I’d be happy to see your posts again and I’m sure many people feel the same way.

    1. Good that your mum is well. Oh no, hopefully, the second half of the year is better for you. Will have to see if I come back. Never say never!

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