Reviews – Perfume Books

If you’re looking for a new perfume book to read, look no further than this excellent publication from gestalten. The Essence – Discovering the World of Scent, Perfume & Fragrance features 288 pages of fragrance related stories with full colour photos fit for any coffee table. Split into four sections and composed by various writers, “The Essence” released in 2019 takes us on a comprehensive journey encompassing the history of scent and how it plays a significant part in our everyday lives.

It’s split into four sections; section 1 showcases “Smell and “Scent,” it features essays covering how our sense of smell triggers associations/emotions with different seasons, fear, etc. Section 2 covers the “Practice and Process” of perfumery. It spotlights Mandy Aftel and her work, and Lyn Harris from Perfumer H. Section 3 titled “Time and Place,” delves into the history of scent right up to modern times. It features an article on the rise of niche perfumery focusing on brands such as Zoologist, Le Labo, and Gallivant, amongst others. There’s also a fascinating essay titled “The Economics of Scent” that looks into our fragrance spending habits and the multi-billion dollar companies at the forefront of the fragrance game. Section 4 “People and Projects,” takes us behind the scenes with interviews with leading lights of the industry, including Chandler Burr and Geza Schoen.

From those just getting into fragrance to the more experienced nose’s, it’s a book that will have something for everybody. One of the best books I’ve read in some time, and one to keep coming back to. I highly recommend it.

Have you read this book or read any great perfume books lately?

8 thoughts on “Reviews – Perfume Books

  1. Great review, Daniel. The last one I read was the always-entertaining Perfumes: The Guide by Turin and Sanchez. I’ve been hearing so many good things about Neil Chapman’s book. Have you read it by any chance?

    1. Thanks Rich. The Guide is always a good read. Yes, I’ve read Neil Chapman’s book. It is well worth checking out.

  2. I want to read all the perfume books! Only just ordered the first one (Turin-Sanchez Guide). This sounds great. Thanks for introducing, Daniel 🙂

    1. You’re welcome Kati. Thanks for reading. Enjoy Turin and Sanchez’s book, it’s a great fun read. As for this one, it’s one of the better perfume books around. An excellent one to seek out.

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