First Impressions – Amouage – Material and Dior – Vanilla Diorama

Material Amouage for women and men

Amouage – Material – Amouage Material slipped under my radar. I’m still yet to try Boundless, the male release that accompanied it. As it turns out, I might have been just as well forgetting about Material. It feels like a mediocre effort from a house with the prestige of Amouage. This sort of balsamic ambery vanilla with benzoin and tonka composition has been done a million times before. And might I say at a far better price point. The dry down is thin and softly spoken. Yikes.


Vanilla Diorama Dior for women and men

Dior – Vanilla Diorama – The sparkly opening of Vanilla Diroama had me thinking of Ambre Nuit. I guess the combination of citruses and pink pepper created that effect. However, it soon veers a different course, settling down and displaying its gourmand facets. Nothing too original here, but it is well done and did have me reaching for my wrist to smell it from time to time. The overall impression is that it’s a muted version of Tobacco Vanille and plays to the similar gourmand tune of the brand’s very own cult favourite, Feve Delicieuse. I’ll be interested to see if this wins over the lovers of that scent. As for me, well, I enjoyed it, much more than Amouage Material. It didn’t exactly have me doing cartwheels, though.

Have you tried these vanilla releases?

Note: Samples obtained by author. Bottle images courtesy of Google.

8 thoughts on “First Impressions – Amouage – Material and Dior – Vanilla Diorama

  1. Yes, I have tried both, and found them redundant too! Specially Amouage, the price doesn’t justify it …

    1. Thanks for reading and commenting, Tetê. Yes, they both seem obsolete. The Dior is more enjoyable to wear for sure.

  2. Hi, Daniel
    I’ve noticed that your instagram has disappeared again 🙁 I don’t know what is happening on that site, because you are one of the kindest people I’ve met online. Hope it is a temporary thing and I already miss you on Instagram. I feel like writing a letter of complaint to Instagram ! Take care and hope to see you asap. Astoryabout perfume aka Loredana♥️

    1. Hi, Loredana. Thank you for the kind words. Likewise. Yesterday, when I arrived home from work, I tried to open Instagram on my tablet. I received a message I was locked out. I’ve no idea why. I was sent a code to verify my identity, which I entered and was sent the message that my account would be restored within 24 hours. So let’s see. That was 12 hours ago. So, perhaps tomorrow morning your time I will be back. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  3. I recently bought Diorama and I must say it a fairly pleasant fragrance. The spicy opening reminds me of Tobacco Vanille. I Like it but haven’t fallen in love with it unlike Santal Noir which just love.

    1. Thanks for reading and commenting, Ujen. Vanilla Diorama is a pleasant one for sure, despite not reinventing the olfactory wheel. Santal Noir is a beauty. I have the little 7.5ml mini of that one. Great scent.

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