Decants for Days – Part 2

Last year, I wrote an article about my favourite websites to shop for decants. It’s always better to sample first than to blind buy a bottle, but access to department stores and boutiques is difficult for many and even more problematic over the last year, for obvious reasons. So, fear not, I’m here to help. In today’s blog post, in part 2 of my “Decants for Days,” I’ll take you through a few of my favourite sites to shop for perfume decants. Again, just as a disclaimer, I’m not in any way affiliated with any of these sites.

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Bloom Perfumery – A fantastic boutique in London, with an excellent range of niche perfumes, from Arquiste through to Zoologist. Excellent quick service and quality spray decants. Shipping is rapid as they partner with DHL express for worldwide shipping, but it is pretty expensive.

Nose Paris – French store with loads of new release perfumes. A quick check of their website shows they have the new MFK Colognes and the new Creed Viking Cologne. These perfumes have only just come out at the time of writing. Their decants are high-quality sprayers. Shipping is cheap but relatively slow. It took a month from when I placed my order for it to arrive in Australia.

Peony Melbourne – Offer official carded samples of most of their range. Atelier des Ors, Parle Moi de Parfum and Sana Jardin are just some of the goodies on offer. I’m not sure they offer international shipping, though.

Saison – Another Australian website that offers carded samples. Express shipping anywhere in Australia. Lots of niche brands to choose from, including Beaufort London, Orto Parisi, and 2787 perfumes.

Luckyscent – I’m pretty sure most of us know about Luckyscent. They are US-based and offer fast shipping and a vast range. All the new releases but, what’s with those 0.7ml dabber samples.

Do you buy from decant sites? What are your favourite sites?

4 thoughts on “Decants for Days – Part 2

  1. I have never ordered samples direct from stores, i have bought directly from brands in the past. Lately, as I am in a slow buy, I try perfumes eventually at stores. Great post and wonderful tip: never blind buy, it can be a disaster!

    1. Thank you for your comment and reading, Tetê. Blind buying can give a rush but can also prove to be a big disappointment. I am also in a slow buy. Haven’t bought anything new this year. Good luck with your go slow.

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