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Mini Reviews – Hermessence

Hermes Ambre Narguile – Apple Pie 9/10

My favourite fragrance from the Hermessence line is Ambre Narguile. The notes listed are cinnamon, honey, rum, tonka, vanilla and caramel. There’s no apple, but the notes combine to give the impression of an apple pie. Certainly, one for those with a sweet tooth. I’ve tried the vast majority of the Hermessence Line, and this is one of the longest lasting and best projectors. A brilliantly blended gourmand.

Hermes Cuir d’Ange – Angelic Leather 8.5/10

A light and buttery leather, Cuir d’Ange is powdery and floral and can be worn all year round. Like most in the Hermessence collection it is quiet on skin and linear. Heliotrope brings an almond like quality to the scent. Cuir’ d’Ange is another softly spoken minimalist masterpiece from Jean-Claude Ellena.

Hermes Poivre Samarcande – Spicy pepper 8.5/10

This one is all about pepper, cedar and oak, but mostly pepper. If you’re a little salty and don’t like pepper, leave this one in the spice rack. Fairly linear, so if you like the opening, you’ll enjoy this through dry down. For mine, this is another case where the less is more approach works best. It’s also one of the longer lasting in the line, at least on my skin, but I’ve read reviews where this performs a disappearing act on skin.

Hermes Santal Massoia – Milky Sandalwood 8/10

An unusual, milky sandalwood scent from the Hermessence collection. The use of Massoia here gives it a coconut undertone. Probably one of the lesser known scents in the Hermessence Line. Soft projection, longevity about 4 + hours. Unique and unfamiliar.

Do you have a favourite from the Hermessence Line?

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